Monday, April 16, 2012

Documenting Home Project

I've decided to work on a personal photography project this year. I'm calling it the "Documenting Home Project."

Home is where our memories are. Home is what we'll want to remember. It's what we'll hold dear later in life. Our home is filled with stories.

A photograph can prompt a memory.

A photograph can spark an emotion.

A photograph can tell a story.

This is what I want my photography to do. I want my photographs to help me remember things that may have been forgotten. Little things. Not just big things. I believe it is the little things we do that make us the person we are.

Every Person Matters.

That's what you'll read on this page.

What power in those three words.

Every person who has lived. Every person who lives now, and every person who will live, deserves to have their story told.

This is something I came away with when I left the story@home conference I went to. (a conference about storytelling, family history, and blogging)

I want to tell our story. I want everyone to know that we lived and I hope that they will say we lived well.

For my personal project, I want to pick out a photograph and tell the story behind it once a week on my blog. This will be of so much value for me in the future as my memories fade and for my children, and their children's children and so on.

Would you like to join me? You'll be glad you did. :) Your children will thank you.

With that, Here is my first story.

The other day my oldest son Caleb showed me a plain Hersey's candy bar he had not eaten yet. He'd had it for a few days. He got it Easter Sunday from his teacher at church when we were visiting my mom's in Idaho Falls.

This kind of candy bar is probably my younger son Cade's favorite. Caleb showed me the candy bar expressing something to the affect that he didn't know if he really liked that kind of candy bar much and didn't know if he was going to eat it. I told him that Cade loved those kind of candy bars. ( I found out later that Cade was asking him if he could have it that morning.)

Later Caleb was helping to make lunches for school. Cade usually doesn't like to take lunches to school, but Caleb and Courtney do.

I found Caleb encouraging Cade to just take a lunch. He was trying pretty hard to talk him into taking a home lunch. I'm thinking "Why is he trying so hard to talk him into taking this lunch?"

He didn't usually do that.

Later, Caleb asked me how to spell a word and when I walked over to him, I saw him writing a note with a sharpie marker on a napkin.


You might guess what happens next in the story.

Yes, he was writing his younger brother a note on the napkin and he ended up taping it around the candy bar and put it in his lunch to surprise him.:)


I tell you what. There is no better feeling than when one of your kids does something kind like this on their own.

That's not the end of the story.

I was telling my husband about it on the phone and wishing that I would have gotten a picture of the note, because it probably was going to get thrown away.

Guess what Cade had in his pocket when he got home?

Yes, he kept the napkin.


I know it was special to him, and I think he wanted to show Caleb when he got home.

When Caleb got home, he had a friend with him, so Cade, a little more discretely, showed him the note and gave him a hug.

This is where the napkin is now. Right on our magnet board. It's a good reminder of kindness.


What a priceless story.

What story do you have that is waiting to be told?

Memories fade fast.

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